Back in the 1970s I remember staying up late when visiting Grandpa and watching "The Best of Groucho" on TV with him. These old films from the 1950s were re-packaged reruns of Groucho Marx's series called "You Bet Your Life."
This TV quiz show actually was a showcase for comedian Groucho Marx to ad lib with the contestants. The quiz was secondary. Announcer George Fenneman was the straight man to Groucho's lunacy. It was a one of a kind show that from time to time someone thinks they can re-cast and find success with again. Alas, there is only one "one and only Groucho" as the audience hollers in unison at the start of every show.
I think I read somewhere that "The Best of Groucho" was almost lost forever. The films were thought to be worthless and found in someone's garage. They were quite successful in late night reruns. Unfortunately today's young whippersnapper tv programmers probably have never heard of Groucho or "You Bet Your Life." Too bad, as it would be great to see it on the air again.
Well, rather than ramble on about this show, why don't you watch it? Lots of Youtube videos on Groucho's show. Click here or here for an example....and tell em Groucho sent you.....
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